24 Hour Fat Metabolic Support Stack - Black Edition
- A complete monthly supply with the 24 Hour Fat Metabolic Support Stack - Black Edition
- Based on natural ingredients and without the use of animal products
- The most optimal composition to work on your dream physics 24 hours a day
24 Hour Fat Killer Stack - Black Edition
In addition to the 24 Hour Fat Metabolic Support Stack , XXL Nutrition now introduces the Black Edition! It is even more powerful and is bursting with the most effective ingredients in the most optimal composition. So are you on a cut or calorie-restricted diet, but would you like to have enough energy? Then our Fat Killer Black Edition is ideal. Combine this with Fat Killer Night and work on your dream physique 24 hours a day! The 24 Hour Fat Killer Stack Black Edition contains no less than 60 doses and costs only € 1.16 per complete dose.
Fat Killer Black Edition
The Fat Metabolic Support Black Edition from XXL Nutrition is the most powerful fat burner on the market. This fat burner has powerful ingredients such as caffeine, hydroxyctric acid and EnXtra ™. Fat Killer Black Edition comes in veggie caps, because it was decided not to use gelatin to make the capsules. So the fat burner also fits perfectly within a vegetarian lifestyle.
Fat Killer Night
De 24 Hour Fat Killer Stack Black Edition wordt compleet gemaakt met de Fat Metabolic Support Night. Deze fat burner voorziet jouw lichaam ook ’s nachts van de meest kwalitatief hoogstaande voedingsstoffen. Vervaardigd uit natuurlijke ingrediënten als groente thee, gemberwortel, kaneel en valeriaan en zonder gebruik van dierlijke ingrediënten, zodat dit perfect binnen jouw bewuste én veganistische levensstijl past.
Usage and dosage
Take 1 serving of Fat Metabolic Support Black Edition (2 capsules) with breakfast and 1 serving of Fat Metabolic Support Night (1 capsule) before going to sleep. Maximum 2 doses of Fat Metabolic Support Black Edition and Fat Metabolic Support Night per day, do not exceed the recommended daily amount.
Fat Metabolic Support Black Edition contains a high caffeine content. Not recommended for children and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
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