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Protein shakes for the elderly: an essential protein needs guide
Protein shakes for the elderly: an essential protein needs guide

Protein shakes for the elderly: an essential protein needs guide

  • Reading time: 6 min.

When we think of protein shakes, we often picture young and fit athletes. Muscular men and women who take a protein shake after their strength training to support their recovery. But did you know that protein powder can also be very beneficial later in life? As we age, our muscle mass gradually decreases, a condition known as sarcopenia. Therefore, it is very important for seniors to consume enough protein.

As you get older, your body has more difficulty absorbing protein and has a higher protein requirement to counteract muscle loss. The use of protein powder can offer many advantages in this regard. In this article from XXL Nutrition, we will explain everything you need to know about protein shakes for seniors. We will also look at how you can get enough protein from your diet as you age.

Eiwitshakes voor ouderen

Which Foods Are High in Protein?

The foundation of your protein intake will consist of protein-rich foods. Fortunately, foods high in protein are not difficult to find. There are numerous products that contain a lot of protein. Protein is found in both animal and plant products.

When creating a healthy and effective meal plan, it’s important to ensure that you’re getting enough protein. You can think of high-protein foods such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy, nuts, tofu, beans, legumes, and whey protein powder.

Animal and Plant Proteins

Animal proteins typically contain more essential amino acids than plant proteins. These amino acids are crucial for the body, as we cannot produce them ourselves. You need to obtain these essential amino acids from protein-rich foods.

Plant proteins, therefore, have a ‘poorer’ amino acid profile than animal proteins. However, this does not mean that you necessarily need protein from animal sources to build muscle mass. With a vegan diet, you can also get enough protein and essential amino acids.

How Do Older Adults Get Enough Protein?

As you age, it becomes especially important to eat a varied diet. By consuming different protein sources throughout the day, you’ll get the proteins and essential amino acids your body needs. Because your metabolism slows down and you are often less physically active, it’s also important to consider your daily calorie needs. At an older age, you need fewer calories than when you are young, active in sports, and have a physically demanding job. Therefore, choose lean protein sources in your meals, such as chicken, turkey, beef, and protein powder as a supplement. This way, you can consume a lot of protein without exceeding your calorie limit.