Should you eat or not before exercising?
Exercising on an empty stomach is not advisable. Your muscles will not get enough energy and it is not good for building muscle. Nor will it speed up fat burning, as is sometimes thought. Nor is it a good idea to eat a large meal just before exercising. Your body needs a constant flow of blood to properly digest your food. But when you exercise, your muscles take precedence, so your meal will be digested more slowly.
What can you eat then?
Ideally, eat a big meal 2-3 hours before you start exercising. Is this not compatible with your busy schedule? Then opt for a small meal an hour before you work out. For example, you could eat part of your large meal before exercising and the other part after exercising. A whole-grain sandwich or piece of fruit are excellent options. Drink enough so that you compensate for fluid loss by drinking water or a sports drink.
Supplement your basic diet with sports supplements
As a supplement to your basic diet, sports supplements can definitely have a positive effect. There are specific sports supplements you can take before a competition, during and afterwards. For most endurance sports, there are certain supplements that are generally the same. These often contain slow carbohydrates that you gradually get energy from. For strength sports like fitness and HITT, the supplements are slightly more protein -based. Proteins contribute to the growth of muscle mass.
The biggest in sports nutrition
Whatever sport you are into, XXL always has the highest quality sports nutrition on offer. Only the very best raw materials are used to prepare our sports supplements. The range is suitable for both recreational and professional athletes. Take advantage of it and enjoy practising your favourite sport. Go beyond your limits.