Taking supplements on a plane; what is allowed and what isn’t
Taking supplements on a plane; what is allowed and what isn’t?

Taking supplements on a plane; what is allowed and what isn’t?

  • Reading time: 10 min.

Are you also looking forward to your holiday with mixed feelings? You booked it months ago, but now that the departure date is approaching, and you really need to start preparing, you're starting to feel a bit hesitant. On the one hand, you're incredibly excited and can't wait to do as little as possible while soaking up the sun, but on the other hand, you're worried that all the hours you spent in the gym over the past few months will be wasted. After all, you won’t be training as regularly as usual. And what about supplements on holiday? We can tell you right now that one or two weeks of holiday won’t have any drastic effects. While you might think that your muscle mass and strength will decrease significantly, this is hardly the case. In fact, it’s often good for your body to have a break, and you might even break your previous records when you start training again. So, see your holiday as part of your training! Does the idea of a holiday without training, your meal plan, and supplements still make you sweat a little?

Then we recommend not taking such a radical break. After all, the holiday should still be enjoyable. Luckily, a holiday doesn't have to be as extreme as the picture we’re painting. There are plenty of ways to stay active while on holiday. You can also stick to your meal plan to a reasonable extent. You may not have access to the exact same products and quantities, but when you're sitting at a restaurant, you can always choose protein-rich meals from the menu and skip the fatty options. You can also occasionally supplement your diet with a protein bar or a protein shake. But wait... is that even allowed? Can you just take your supplements with you and pass through customs with various powders and pills in your luggage? Taking supplements on holiday usually doesn’t cause any problems. However, to be well-prepared in case customs ask about the powders and pills you packed, we’ve put together 7 tips about taking supplements on holiday. With these tips, you’ll be able to pack your suitcase properly, allowing you to enjoy your well-deserved holiday worry-free! Or should we call it a training week?

Can you take creatine and protein powder on a plane?

Are you wondering if you can take creatine and protein powder with you on a plane? These two supplements are the most commonly used products among athletes, and fortunately, in most cases, you are allowed to bring them in both your checked luggage and hand luggage. However, there are a few things to keep in mind, such as the regulations at your destination and how to pack the supplements. To pass through customs without any issues, we’ve listed a few useful tips for you below. Read on to properly prepare for a hassle-free trip with your favourite supplements!

Whey Delicious
Whey DeliciousXXL Nutrition
Creatine Monohydrate
Clear Whey Isolate
Clear Whey IsolateXXL Nutrition
Multivit - 120 tabs
Multivit - 120 tabsXXL Nutrition

Tip 1: The Sherlock Holmes of supplements

Supplements are not allowed in all countries worldwide. Therefore, it’s important to check the regulations of your destination country before you go on holiday. This applies not only to the supplements themselves but also to their ingredients, as these might also be restricted in some places. Make sure to check online or ask locals from the country you’re visiting about the regulations concerning supplements. If it turns out that a particular supplement or its ingredients are not allowed in your holiday destination, it’s better not to bring it. In this case, prevention is better than cure!

Tip 2: There's nothing like opening a new package

Once you've decided which supplements you can’t do without on holiday and have researched all the ingredients of these products, you likely have a clear idea of what can and cannot be packed in your suitcase. Now, it’s time to act accordingly. It’s wise to take the allowed supplements in their original packaging. Ideally, bring supplements in their original, unopened packaging, and only open them for the first time when you arrive at your destination. This way, you avoid customs questioning whether the product has been tampered with.

Taking supplements on a plane


Tip 3: Moderation is key

You’re often allowed to bring a certain quantity of a product when travelling to or from a foreign country. However, there’s no specific limit for supplements. In principle, you can take as much as you want. That said, we recommend not bringing more than you need for your holiday. This not only saves space in your suitcase but also prevents customs from suspecting that you’re importing the supplements for commercial purposes, which is not allowed in many countries. Additionally, it makes your return journey smoother—if you bring too much, you might end up having to go through customs with half-empty containers, something you want to avoid as much as possible.

Extra tip: Are you travelling with multiple people who all use the same supplements? Make sure everyone brings their own supply. If you combine everything into one suitcase, it might be seen as goods for trade, rather than personal use.

Tip 4: Small is smart

As we mentioned, it’s wise not to bring more supplements on holiday than you need. However, this might mean that you can’t always bring the original packaging, as these are often large containers or bottles. Before you leave, consider your packaging options. Can you order smaller containers of the supplement? If not, and you bring a measured amount in a plastic bag or small container, make sure you have a list of ingredients handy in case customs ask. This list, often found on the supplement’s label or packaging, includes all the ingredients in descending order by weight.

Extra tip: Alongside the ingredient list, also bring proof of purchase for the supplement. If customs ask for more information, showing both the ingredients and a receipt can quickly clear up any concerns about that mysterious white powder!

Extra extra tip: If you bring smaller containers and have some left over at the end of your holiday, consider whether you want to take the remainder back home or leave it behind. This could save you time at customs on the way back. Ask yourself if it’s worth risking any potential issues for a small amount of supplements, especially in a country where you don’t speak the language. It’s definitely something to think about.

Creatine on a plane


Tip 5: Supplements on location

As you can see, taking supplements on holiday involves quite a bit of planning. Not only do you need to research whether the products and ingredients are allowed in your destination country, but gathering ingredient lists and proof of purchase can also take a lot of time. To avoid this hassle, consider buying your supplements at your holiday destination instead of packing them. For example, when booking, check if there is a nearby store that sells supplements, or once you arrive, ask the locals. They can likely point you in the direction of good supplement shops.

Extra tip: If you’re visiting friends or family abroad, you could also opt to mail your supplements to them in advance. This way, you’ll have your supplements during your holiday without having to take them through customs, and you won’t need to search for the right products while you’re there.

Tip 6: No supplements, no worries

This tip might sound extreme, but it’s worth considering skipping supplements altogether during your holiday. This means you don’t have to bring them, saving you a lot of hassle. This might not be the solution for longer holidays, but for a short break like a weekend, midweek, or even a week, it could be worth it. Especially if the rules in your destination country are very strict or if you don’t speak the local language.

Tip 7: When in doubt, customs is your best friend

There is a lot of uncertainty around taking supplements on holiday because it’s difficult to know what is and isn’t allowed. Of course, you can do your own research, but if that doesn’t give you the answers you need, you can always contact the customs authority of your destination country to ask about the regulations. They can assist you and ensure you have the correct information.

Taking supplements on holiday requires good preparation, as you can see. Once you've done that and passed through customs without any problems, you can finally relax and enjoy your holiday without worrying about losing muscle mass or strength. Do you have any tips on how to take supplements on holiday?

In conclusion

Now that you're fully prepared to take your supplements on holiday, it's time to finalise your vacation plans. Remember that holidays are a time to relax and enjoy yourself, and they provide a great opportunity to give your body some well-deserved rest. Even if you stay active and mindful of your diet, remember that rest is also crucial for your overall progress.

So, pack those bags, prepare your supplements, and head off on holiday with peace of mind. Leave your worries about losing muscle mass and strength behind, and focus on enjoying new environments, delicious food, and quality time with loved ones. And who knows, you might even return stronger and more motivated than ever.

XXL Nutrition wishes you an amazing holiday!

Jadey Swinkels
This blog is written by:
Jadey Swinkels
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